Con Job, Part 1


This past weekend, I had the opportunity to spend foursome days as a guest and panelist at Arisia, a well-known Boston-area individual sci fi/fantasy/play conventionality. A fine time was had, but more importantly it afforded me – a relative entran to "authorized" participation in so much things – to give my loyal readers/viewers a (hopefully) entertaining peek into how your fan convention sausage gets ready-made, day-by-day and panel-aside-impanel.

Observe: I did non have the capability or permission to record all of the panels/events I took part in, so these will be general summaries as anti to transcriptions.


My travel companion and I arrived a couple of hours early (my first control panel wasn't until 5:30pm) to sign in and calm down in our suite. The convention is organism held at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel – which, incidentally, is connected to the locus that houses Kiss of peace East. With the various panels and screenings beingness scattered crossways said hotel's myriad conference rooms, the hotel lobby has already been Centennial State-opted into an open-atmosphere scaffolding primer for the cosplay crowd.

All year, gamer culture's infiltration of the broader nerd culture gets more marked – the first thing I see is a four-foot tall Minecraft Tree creeper, decorated along an RC car chassis sitting ominously in the recess. I wonder what all this looks like to the "normal" tourists and businessmen who're staying there for more unimaginative reasons – "Yeah, Harry? I'll have those figures over in retributory a sec. Hey, while I've got you here, do you have whatsoever idea what a 'Dalek' is? Cause there's one here and I'm not sure how I should respond to that."

First panel up for me was "E.T. at 30″ (ye gods, don't I sense old), moderated past my friend and fellow picture-critic Dan Kimmel. Dan's non a huge devotee of either Spielberg or E.T., simply I and the other panelists take care it more favorably – as does a great deal of the audience. This made for any lively discussion, quickly ramification out from E.T. itself and into the broader questions of youth-oriented sci fi and Spielberg's broader work. This is besides the first time I'll find some fans of my show(s) here and elsewhere in the audience – an always-pleasant experience that would repeat itself at almost every panel throughout the weekend. Dan Kimmel, incidentally, is the author of the very amusing and interesting book Jar-Jounce Binks Must Die!, which movie fans would do well to get a load at.

Atomic number 102 rest clock time for me today, Eastern Samoa my next appearance directly follows this one: "The Time to come of Bioethics as Portrayed in Film." Heavy stuff, to make up sure, though the fact that in this circumstance IT allows for free-flowing references to cloning jokes and references to everything from Vane Runner to Mimic keeps things light and fast-paced. Somehow, I manage to drop getting in a spark plug for Splice, which I'll be kicking myself for concluded pizza later.

Cardinal minutes of free time – about seven of which are spent traversing the lobby, though admittedly a lot of that was pausing to gawk at a cosplayer pulling off an impressive Arkham-fashio Markweed. Appropriate, since my destination was "Batman Through the Ages," an e'er-popular convention mainstay that winds up being a great deal of sport. Colleague panelist Dan Henry Valentine Miller – IP attorney and MAD Magazine megafan – impresses the crowd with a vintage Sergio Aragonnes Batman parody humorous, while I take short letter of an interesting cu: The tide has seriously turned on Plainspoken Milling machine in recent long time. For a few decades, fandom has tended to treat "his" Batman every bit definitive, merely the approach-universal disdain for his "Entirely-Star" Christian Bible and large amoun of folks agreeing when a brave audience member calls Dark Knight Returns "overrated" surprises me. I wonder how much of this turnaround can equal attributed to the rising generation of comic critics like Linkara.

And just like that, I recognize it's nearly midnight and I've neglected to eat anything. A quick scream to pizza delivery fixes that – afterward I'm finished recovering from the shock of seeing Room Military service prices for the commencement time in a few months – and so information technology's time for bed.


A friend and I spend an archaean morning unprofitably searching for an assimilative contraption store in the surrounding city, hoping to bypass hotel water/snack prices for the rest of the trip. The incomparable we rule is drawn, because Boston likes to forget that it's a 21st Century city on the weekends (I will later discover a 7/11 "hidden" across the street from the hotel, because I am a dumbass when it comes to spatial orientation.)

Breakfast? Yea, ethical – I've got a 10:00am panel to moderate "Grammatical gender and TV Games." I'm still metagrabolized as to how I got tagged to moderate this peerless, but I've got a good group assembled: Hug dru Lipkin from Publishers Every week, game reader Maddy Myers, Caroline VanEseltine from Harmonix, and sci fi/fantasy artist Brianna Wu. Discussing sex or race issues at cons lav much be a dangerous prospect, but this turned out to be one of the better experiences for me this yr – smartness discourse, heavy questions/comments from the audience, and lots of diverse anchor to get across. Interestingly, for this particular hearing it seemed that the gender problems of gamer culture (intimate harassment on Xbox Live, for example) are seen as a much more fast and bothersome job than the more widely-publicized issues care hypersexualized fibre designs or the subtext of Other M. I'm also thrilled that the parallel issues of the transgendered gaming biotic community got an encouraging amount of livelihood.

Next along the schedule: Once more taking up the moderator's baton for "Monsters in Motion: Ray Harryhausen at Work" – the panel to attend for fans of oldschool picture show buffs geeking out over break off-motion monster movies, and the only place you'Ra likely to go steady a panel of grownup men universally agree that spell Raquel Welch in a deer-skin Bikini was courteous, we'd have preferred she get out of the way so we could see more dinosaurs. (Besides, the sequel is much better.)

"If You Liked Part I…" came next, a discussion of sequels that necessarily segued into the half-evergreen grousefests about remakes of classics and the Star Wars prequels. Indie producer E.F. Morrill – who likes to goose the crowd by introducing himself as "the last Goldwater Republican in fandom" (or other variations thereof) – sends things in an interesting direction, and I wind up explaining to an audience member for what will be the firstborn of five or half dozen times that weekend that Warner Bros. still talk active Unripe Lantern 2 doesn't really mean there's expiration to equal a Sick Lantern 2.

Afterwards that, at last, comes a break in my appearance docket – time to formerly again peruse the unconfined cosplayers (a pair of Sucker Plug gals could've passed for professionals promoting the movie) and meet up with a buddy for some high-end neighborhood pizza. Buckeye State, yeah – incoming Kiss of peace East-attendees take note: In one case you've got the lay of the land down, Boston is one of the great "Foodie Cities."

By 10:00pm I've been at this for run over fifteen hours approximately nonstop, but no time for sleeping; "The Death of PC Gaming May Be Greatly Exaggerated" awaits! Bill Levay – executive director producer of Civilization III – is steerage the ship, with Maine and Maddy Myers atomic number 3 the encouraging players. For taken for granted reasons, this probably had the largest (relatively) number of fans/viewers of my Dreamer shows in attendance – or, at least, the audience that most widely recognized my figure. Information technology was a big crowd for a night panel (and even aroused on UStream for a flake) but a lot more civil than you'd expect such a hot subject to be. It helps, course, that no one on the board seemed to actually opine the medium was dead, though I maintained that the question is largely moot now that almost every media device was a PC in one form or another.

Sleep came quickly and decisively presently later on, two days done and gone.

NEXT Calendar week: The stunning (or maybe "agreeable" at least) conclusion – featuring Wonder Cleaning lady, Sensation Wars, Mystery Science Theater and more!


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